TUSD smart contract address update

Dear traders,

TUSD (TrueUSD token) will be upgrading its smart contract at 3:00 UTC of January 4th. The new TUSD address will be 0x0000000000085d4780B73119b644AE5ecd22b376.

To upgrade the contract, TrueUSD will use their DelegateERC20 feature. The old contract will continue to function with zero downtime; however, after the upgrade, ERC20 events will only be emitted from the new contract. This means that HitBTC and other exchanges and apps that rely on ERC-20 events will upgrade to the new contract address. Specifically, we rely on Transfer events to process transactions.

In other words, both TUSD contracts, old and new, will keep working and affect the same balance entities; but each contract will emit its own Transfer events, and we cannot automatically process payments from two different contracts for the same currency.

What does this mean for users?

  1. If you use your own ETH wallet, please update the contract address you use to make TUSD transactions. Check TUSD’s official announcement if you have any questions about this.
  2. If you use a 3rd party service, please ask your service provider to upgrade the TUSD contract they use.
  3. If you cannot find a deposit you made, check whether you may have used the old address by accident. If so, please contact their support center. No user’s balance should be affected because of this upgrade.
  4. There might be a deposits/payouts downtime of 15 minutes on our side; we need to make sure that the contract swap went smoothly.

Remember: the new TUSD address is 0x0000000000085d4780B73119b644AE5ecd22b376.

Thank you for reading, and happy trading!